Schedule a phone call

Scheduling phone calls in PatientWing helps to keep patients and research teams on the same page about the next steps in the screening process. Patients also receive notifications when a call is scheduled and reminders 24 hours before the call which can improve contact rates for your trial leads

To schedule a call:

  • You must be logged in as a site or sponsor level user who has access to update trial patients for a trial
  • Navigate to either your patient dashboard or the patient dashboard for the study
  • Select "Edit" to open the patient details window for a patient
  • Select the "Appointments & Calls" menu option
  • Click "Schedule Appointment or Call"
  • Fill out the Appointment Details making sure to select Call as the type
  • Once you have entered all of the information click the blue save button to schedule the call

Patients will receive email notifications about their appointments from PatientWing

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