We are improving PatientWing by fixing bugs and releasing new features every two weeks. Here's an account of what we've accomplished this month.
Version 20180115.3
Terms & Conditions: Study profile now includes Terms & Conditions agreement.
- Pre-screener Question: A few enhancements were added for the pre-screener feature
- Reorder - you can now drag a question up or down to reorder it
- Edit - a question text is now editable
- Sponsor Presence: Sponsor information is now displayed when the study profile first loaded, making it very prominent and visible.
- Organization User: An additional users without an existing PatientWing account can now be added to People section within user's organization.
- Recently Viewed Studies: A section contains a list of recently viewed studies was added to the homepage for easier navigation.
- Organization Profile: Updating Info section now shows up correctly.
- Organization Roles: Roles are now generated instantly for a newly claimed organization.
- Organization Roles: Roles drop-down menu is now functional.
- Toaster Notification: Toaster style is now visible.