View your campaigns
You can view your campaigns and the campaign metrics across your trials and study sites. We are always working to improve our analytics tools so if there is a view, feature, or dashboard that would help you manage your campaigns please reach out to to let us know.
View All My Campaigns
- Make sure you are logged in as a researcher or sponsor user.
- Navigate to your Dashboard.
- Click on Campaigns tab from the side menu.
This dashboard will show you all of the campaigns that your account has permission to view or edit. The summary blocks top will tell you how many campaigns are included in the list and how many views, applications, and pre-screened patients have been generated by those campaigns.
You can use the filters on the top of the page to narrow down the campaign list based on the study, study condition, campaign type, and campaign category.
The campaign list displays the unique id number of the campaign, if the campaign is active, the name of the study, and the type, category, and name of the campaign. This dashboard also shows how many views and study applications and have been linked to the campaign as well as the conversion rate (the percentage of visitors to the study page who applied for the study). You can use the "Sort by" option to sort the campaign list by one of these properties.
View Campaigns By Study
- Make sure you are logged in as a researcher or sponsor user.
- Navigate to your Dashboard.
- Select the trial from your study list
- Open the "Management" section of the study menu on the left of the screen and select "Campaigns"

This dashboard will show all the campaigns for that study that your account has permission to view or edit. The headings of the table correspond with the properties of the campaigns. You can click on the header to sort the campaign list by that property. You can also drag the table headings into the space above the headings to sort the list by that property