Embedding A PatientWing Widget

While patients can find a trial on PatientWing through searching on the platform, PatientWing also provides tools that help research sites and sponsors convert web traffic on their sites into study applications. The simplest option is to include a "Apply With PatientWing" button on your webpage that will directly connect visitors with your PatientWing study page.

To embed the "Apply Now" button or any other PatentWing widget you will need access to the HTML of your website. If you are using a platform like Wordpress, Weebly, or another website builder, there are plenty of online resources that can walk you through how to access the HTML or include a custom HTML section on your site. 

How to embed a PatientWing widget

  • On your PatientWing study page on the right of the page near the patient application portal, you will see a box with three dots in it 
  • Click on that button and then select "Embed" from the drop down menu
  • The code editor window will now open on the page, in this editor you can customize the text that will appear on the embedded button.
  • Feel free to customize and then preview the appearance of the button
  • To embed the button copy all of the code that is shown below the preview in the editor window, and then paste it into the HTML of your site. If you are comfortable working with HTML you can update the color, size, and styling of the button to match your site as well.
  • Once the widget is in place visitors to your webpage will be able to navigate directly to PatientWing and apply to participate in your clinical trial

A full list of all the PatientWing widget options can be found on our Developers page

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